Thank you for visiting our virtual consultation for Harlex (RLP Timperley) LLP’s proposal to transform the former World of Pets site on Thorley Lane, Timperley, into a high-quality low-carbon residential neighbourhood.
Harlex (RLP Timperley) LLP is committed to engaging with the local community and stakeholders, and we want to ensure that the proposed development meets the needs of the local community.
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Background to the proposals
The proposal site is previously developed private land, located at the former World of Pets site. It is situated to the south of Timperley Village Centre and to the west of Thorley Lane (A5144), which provides the main access point to the site.
The Council can only demonstrate a 2.4 year housing land supply at present and have only delivered 61% of the new homes needed over the past three years. There is therefore a significant need for new homes in the borough.
The former World of Pets site has been allocated for new housing in the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF) since 2016, when it was endorsed by Trafford Council. The GMSF was a new type of planning policy document which was compiled by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to plan how Greater Manchester would grow over the next thirty years.
Over the last five years, whilst the GMSF has progressed through various iterations, the former World of Pets site has remained in the plan as a key site for future housing. Harlex (RLP Timperley) LLP has been working closely with Trafford Council throughout this period to evolve the scheme and the site remains allocated for housing development in the latest plan known as ‘Places for Everyone’
Harlex (RLP Timperley) LLP bought the proposed site in 2018 following the closure of the Wyevale Garden Centre and has since been working with Trafford Council to develop an indicative masterplan for the site.
Given the pressing need for new housing in Trafford and more affordable housing in particular, the time is right to bring forward our vision for a new high-quality, low-carbon residential neighbourhood.
Our outline planning application will ask Trafford Council to grant permission for the principle of residential development on the site, based on our vision.
Addressing Housing Needs in Trafford
Timperley and Trafford Borough more generally continue to be a desirable place for people to want to live and work in. The excellent transport links, high-quality schools, culture and leisure offer are all part of the reason why Trafford is now the most expensive place to either buy or rent a property in Greater Manchester.
Average house prices have risen 11% since 2020 to £381,516
Average rents have risen by over 21% since 2010 to £780 per month
House-price to income ratio is now 7.73 compared to 5.82 across the North West
Average household income needed to purchase a property in Trafford is £83,395
Addressing the shortage and costs of new housing in the borough is a priority for Trafford Council. The Housing Strategy Action Plan 2018-23 sets a range of priorities to help address the housing crisis in the borough, including:
- To accelerate housing growth
- To create neighbourhoods of choice through a better mix of homes
- To reduce inequalities across the borough
- To improve residents’ health and wellbeing
Many of these priorities are being delivered through various actions of the Council, in partnership with the private sector but there is still some way to go. Trafford continues to underperform when it comes to the delivery of new housing, with only 61% of the total new homes required in the borough being delivered in 2019.
The 2019 Housing Needs Assessment states that the Altrincham area has a need for 114 affordable units per year, last year only half of this figure was achieved. Our vision for the former World of Pets site is designed to help Trafford Council address some of the housing needs in the borough by providing up to 116 new homes, of which 45% will be classified as ‘affordable’ and available for purchase or rent at below market price. We are also in discussions with a number of local affordable housing providers who are keen to assist in the delivery of the scheme.
Indicative Masterplan
The indicative masterplan demonstrates how the site can be developed to deliver up to 116 residential homes, including apartments and houses. It also shows how the proposal seeks to incorporate shared outdoor spaces along with a pedestrian network which links the site into the surrounding area.
The scheme will also include a wildlife corridor and landscaping adjacent to Timperley Brook, this buffer zone will protect and secure the future of local wildlife and the ecological value of the brook.
Below are some of the core principles which will guide the development of the site:
- The delivery of aspirational housing;
- A person-led development – responding to pedestrian movements;
- A place-led development – which creates a sense of place and identity;
- Green interface – enhancing green amenity as well as incorporating high-quality landscaping throughout the site
- Low Carbon Technologies – ensuring low carbon is at the heart of the development
- Sustainable urban drainage
The scheme will incorporate an enhanced wildlife corridor and landscape zone adjacent to Timperley Brook, which will secure the amenity and ecological value of the brook.
With the boundaries of Timperley Brook, Wood Lane, Thorley Lane, and neighbouring housing, the site is ideal for a moderately-sized residential development and cannot enable development sprawl.
Harlex (RLP Timperley) LLP has developed an indicative masterplan shown here to depict our vision for the site. At this
stage, we plan to submit an outline planning application, which establishes the principle of residential development on
the site and how the site will be accessed.
If approved, a subsequent Reserved Matters application will be submitted, providing further detail about the proposed
Our Vision
Harlex (RLP Timperley) LLP has been working closely with Trafford Council and others over the last two years to bring forward an outline planning application that is sensitive to its surroundings, provides housing choices for all and is truly sustainable.
Our vision will deliver a range of energy efficient, new properties to meet the needs of those looking for a new home in Timperley, featuring a mix of family homes and apartments.
It will also help Trafford Council deliver more affordable housing in the borough by ensuring that at least 45% of the new houses will be classed as affordable homes. These will help local people looking for their first home in Timperley to buy or rent at a reduced rate and reduce the high cost of housing in the south of the borough.
The scheme will also feature a range of measures to deliver a truly sustainable new neighbourhood, including:
- Homes designed and built with the environment in mind, using modern construction methods and materials to keep carbon emissions low
- Homes designed to outperform current building regulations with the potential for them to generate their own renewable energy
- Public open spaces to provide space for residents to live a healthy lifestyle
- Wildlife corridors to enhance local biodiversity along Timperley Brook
- Sustainable urban drainage by using open swales and attenuation ponds to manage water run-off
- New pedestrian and cycle routes through the site, connecting into the wider network
- Residential squares and shared gardens to help facilitate connections and a sense of community amongst residents
Community Benefits
Our proposals will deliver:
- Up to 116 high-quality, low-carbon new homes
- Regeneration of a previously developed site
- Investing £25 million into the local economy
- Much-needed new homes to address Trafford’s housing shortage
- 45% affordable homes
- A wealth of sustainable and environmental initiatives through construction, landscaping, green spaces, biodiversity net gain, wildlife corridors, pedestrian and cycle connectivity
- Community Infrastructure Levy payment to Trafford Council.
Wider community benefits – we want to hear from you
In addition to these benefits, Harlex (RLP Timperley) LLP is committed to contributing to the wider community in Timperley. We believe that the existing nearby communities know best about what is needed locally, and we would like to hear from you about what improvements you would like to see.
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Thinking Carefully About Design
The outline planning application that is being prepared for the former World of Pets site will ask Trafford Council to agree the principle of residential development. This means that detailed design considerations will not form part of any planning decision at this stage.
However, as owners of the site we are determined that its transformation into a residential neighbourhood happens in a thoughtful, sustainable and beautiful way, as we ‘build back better’ following the coronavirus pandemic.
That is why the outline planning application includes a set of design principles that will have to followed when new homes are built on the site.
These images have been selected to give an impression of how the future development could look and feel, and include the latest place-driven example developments which have received recent acclaim.
Next Steps
Thank you for taking the time to visit our virtual exhibition and participate in this consultation.
Before you leave, please complete the questionnaire and let us know what you think about our proposals.
All feedback received by Monday 06th September will be reviewed by the project team and, where possible, ideas and comments will be incorporated into the final outline planning application that we submit to Trafford Council.
Alternatively, you can leave your feedback via:
0800 298 7040
HARLEX Property Consultation, Freepost RTYC-TZRU-ARGA, BECG, 50 Brown Street, Manchester, M2 2JT